'Outstanding Legislator'

Community Employment Alliance

Senator Joe Fain (Auburn) was recently honored as an ‘Outstanding Legislator’ by the Community Employment Alliance (CEA) for 2014.

The CEA was founded in 2009 as a non-profit organization working to better the lives of people with disabilities throughout Washington State. They foster partnerships between the community and businesses so that people with disabilities can have the opportunity to work.

Citing his work on the Vulnerable Individuals Priority (VIP) Act, the CEA was pleased to recognize Senator Fain for all the work he has done on employment services for those individuals within the developmental disability community. The VIP Act this year moved 5,000 people currently on the wait-list for essential services into the programs that they needed.

“I have meet hundreds of individuals with developmental disabilities and one thing I always take away from those encounters is the sense of pride that they feel in sharing responsibilities and taking ownership within an organization,” Senator Joe Fain said, “our communities must continue to strengthen the many organizations that train,  employ,  and encourage individuals with developmental disabilities and their families to lead a productive and fulfilled life."