
Here’s what you’re paying lawmakers in Olympia to work overtime

Here’s what you’re paying lawmakers in Olympia to work overtime

State Sen. Joe Fain, R-Auburn, said he turns down the money to dispel any notion that politicians welcome the special session so they can make a few extra bucks.

Fain, the GOP floor leader, is one of the few legislators in Olympia frequently during overtime sessions. Several others in leadership positions, including Senate budget writer John Braun, R-Centralia, and House Speaker Frank Chopp, D-Seattle, also took no per diem early in the first special session.

Constitutional amendment a must for balancing state budget

Constitutional amendment a must for balancing state budget

Budgeting requires difficult decisions and a commitment to governing. In 2012, a bipartisan coalition of senators instituted an important fiscal reform: the four-year balanced-budget law. Washington is the first state with this check on budget gimmicks, our greatest defense against self-inflicted financial chaos.

Irresponsible budgets hurt education

Irresponsible budgets hurt education

Two weeks ago we joined a bipartisan majority of state senators to present a long-term sustainable budget that doesn’t spend more money than the state expects to collect. This proposal not only addresses the remaining 16 months left in the current two-year budget cycle, but also the next two-year budget cycle through mid-2015. Families and small businesses face serious consequences if they do not live within their means and plan for the future; state government is no different.