Emily Anderson Serves as Washington State Senate Page

Thurston Talk

Emily Anderson, a student at Reeves Middle School, spent the last week as a page for the Washington State Senate at the Capitol in Olympia. Anderson was one of 14 students who served as Senate pages for the ninth week of the 2015 legislative session.

The Senate Page Program is an opportunity for Washington students to spend a week working in the Legislature. Students are responsible for transporting documents between offices, delivering messages and mail. Pages spend time in the Senate chamber and attend page school to learn about parliamentary procedure and the legislative process. Students also draft their own bills and engage in a mock session.

“I became a page to learn about our government and our legislature, it’s a good experience to learn how it all works,” Anderson said.  “I like meeting everybody around the state, but being a part of the session and seeing how it all works have been my favorite part.”

She said she was surprised at how many bills the senators went through on the floor.

“I’ve really loved it, I don’t think I’ll forget it,” she said about the page program.

Anderson was sponsored by Senator Joe Fain, who represents South King County.

Anderson has played soccer since she was four and plays for the Black Hills FC. She also plays basketball and sings for her school choir. She likes being outdoors and being active.

Emily, 14, is the daughter of Ken and Nancy Anderson of Olympia.

Students interested in the Senate Page Program are encouraged to visit Senator Fain’s web site at http://www.SenatorFain.com and select Get Involved – Senate Page Program.