Graduate Washington Recognizes Senator Joe Fain as ‘Higher Education Champion’

Graduate Washington Recognizes Senator Joe Fain as ‘Higher Education Champion’

Senator Joe Fain recently received the endorsement of Graduate Washington, an independent organization formed to advocate for higher education in Washington State. Graduate Washington works to expand higher level education for all Washington state students by supporting policies and higher education proponents in the legislature.

Based on an intensive evaluation of candidate’s questionnaires, previous work on higher education issues, and interviews, Graduate Washington determined Senator Fain to be one of their 2014 ‘Higher Education Champions.’


“Not so far removed from college himself, Joe Fain clearly understands the challenges that are facing this generation of current and prospective college student. He has been an advocate for important pipeline programs such as Running Start, which ease the transition from K-12 to post-secondary education and lessen the burden on students and families. One of the legislators responsible for the recent tuition freeze, Fain is an important voice for students in the State Senate.

                                    -Graduate Washington